We Let You
control Your availability

PRN (an abbreviation for the Latin term “pro re nata”, which loosely translates to “as needed.” Webster’s New World College Dictionary – Fourth Addition) is a term commonly used by healthcare employers and professionals to describe short-term, contract, part-time, or fill-in work by a nurse or allied healthcare professional.
If your job is PRN, it means you only work when they need you. However, as an employee of Care Team, we give you the option to redefine PRN to mean “…when you want to work”.
Other than our administrative staff who are committed to a forty-hour work week at the office and with set job descriptions, our caregivers control their availability and work schedule.
While Care Team cannot guarantee a job assignment to match each and every one of our caregiver’s availability, we are a well-established agency that has a significant volume of patient and client needs.
During the first 9 months of 2018, our agency averaged over 210 patient touches per day. Some of those touches are skilled nursing visits, others are IV visits, still others are non-skilled personal care visits. We also have long-term care cases with 8, 10 and 12-hour continuous care assignments, one-on-one with a single patient.
We have some caregivers that work PRN for one or two other home care agencies as well as us.
We have some caregivers that work full-time elsewhere and just want to pick up a one or two-hour visit per week, or a shift once a week.
And, we have some employees that are full-time students, or have families to raise and only want to earn some extra money.
At Care Team, you define how being a PRN employee best suits you!